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  13. Srbobran


Srbobran Localisation : Country Serbia, Vojvodina, District South Bačka.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Vrbas and Temerin.


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Update data

Srbobran Administration

Srbobran Code130

Srbobran Demography

Information on the people and the population of Srbobran.

Srbobran Population16,252 inhabitants
Srbobran Population Density57.2 /km² (148.2 /sq mi)

Srbobran Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Srbobran.

Srbobran Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 45.5464, Longitude: 19.79
45° 32′ 47″ North, 19° 47′ 24″ East
Srbobran Area28,400 hectares
284.00 km² (109.65 sq mi)
Srbobran Altitude91 m (299 ft)
Srbobran ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Srbobran Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Srbobran and the biggest cities of Serbia.

Belgrade 96 kmNovi Sad 35 km closestPriština 339 km
Niš 299 kmPrizren 377 kmKragujevac 193 km
Leskovac 332 kmSubotica 58 kmKruševac 254 km
Kraljevo 215 kmZrenjanin 50 kmPančevo 107 km

Srbobran Map

Locate simply the city of Srbobran through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Srbobran Nearby cities and villages

Vrbas 12.1 kmTemerin 17.4 km

Srbobran Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Srbobran has international agreements with its different pairings.

Srbobran Zone

Time zone of Srbobran.

Srbobran Local time
Srbobran Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Belgrade)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Srbobran Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Srbobran.

Srbobran Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Srbobran.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
27 March05:29 - 11:46 - 18:0205:00 - 18:3204:24 - 19:07 03:48 - 19:43
28 March05:27 - 11:45 - 18:0304:58 - 18:3304:22 - 19:08 03:46 - 19:45
29 March05:26 - 11:45 - 18:0404:56 - 18:3404:20 - 19:10 03:44 - 19:47
30 March06:24 - 12:45 - 19:0605:54 - 19:3605:18 - 20:11 04:41 - 20:48
31 March06:22 - 12:44 - 19:0705:52 - 19:3705:16 - 20:13 04:39 - 20:50
1 April06:20 - 12:44 - 19:0805:50 - 19:3805:14 - 20:14 04:37 - 20:51
2 April06:18 - 12:44 - 19:1005:48 - 19:4005:12 - 20:15 04:35 - 20:53

Srbobran Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Srbobran classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hunting LodgeHunting Lodge

Located in the village of Turija in the Vojvodina, the Hunting Lodge offers hunting and fishing excursions in the surrounding lands. A sauna and free Wi-Fi are available... view more
€ 42
Hotel Hotel CFKHotel CFK

Located 500 metres from the centre of Vrbas, just a short walk from the Main Bus Station, Hotel CFK features air-conditioned rooms with a flat-screen cable TV and free Wi-Fi access... view more
€ 50
Hotel Hotel BačkaHotel Bačka

Hotel Bačka is located in the centre of Vrbas, a town in the heart of Bačka. 2 restaurants and a coffee bar are available on-site, while free Wi-Fi and parking are available on site. Rooms here will provide the guests with a TV and cable channels... view more
€ 18
Hotel Villa PipacsVilla Pipacs
Just off E75 Motorway, Villa Pipacs offers an outdoor pool, restaurant and tennis courts on a peaceful countryside location in Feketić Village. The terrace by the pool comes with deck chairs, while free Wi-Fi and free parking are provided... view more
€ 30
Hotel Tri Šešira B&BTri Šešira B&B
Located in the small town of Temerin in Vojvodina, Tri Šešira B&B offers an on-site restaurant and free Wi-Fi throughout the property. Free private parking is provided on site. All rooms comprise cable TV, a telephone and a wardrobe... view more
€ 38
More Hotels »

Srbobran Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Srbobran and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Paks Nuclear Power Plant 135.2 km  

Srbobran Page

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DB-City.comSrbobran 3/5 (2021-09-13 15:17:15)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page